Saturday, June 2, 2012

Put DOO DOO on the TO DO List.

In Case Water Service is out after a Storm

 Just a thought about: 


Some of the information I get to share
with you however, is NOT for the Faint-of-Heart!
Sooooo, Here We Go . . .
First we'll start with the picture:
Here they are all put together!
Super Cute Huh?!?
(You can add the flowers for that little special touch!)
Here are the Toilet Label and Instructions for Use.
Make your own Labels like the example below.

Make a copy of the instruction page for each of the
Emergency Toilets you put together.
Store it inside for a quick reference.
You Will Need:
5-6 Gallon Bucket (At least 2)
Luggable Lu Toilet Cover
(Snap-on type toilet seat with lid.)
12 Plastic Liners
(Garbage Bags)
4 Pairs of Rubber Gloves
2 Rolls of Toilet Paper
Liquid Chlorine bleach, Nilogel Clean-Up Gel,
Pinesol, Powdered Laundry Soap,
Powdered Chlorinated Lime
(Hydrated Lime)
Available at the building supply stores. It can be used dry.
Be sure to get chlorinated lime and not quick lime which is
highly alkaline and corrosive.
1 Bottle of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide
Box of Baking Soda
1/2 Gallon of White Vinegar
1 Large Bottle of Hand Sanitizer
1 Roll Paper Towels
1 Pkg. Baby Wipes
1 2-Liter Bottle of Water
6-10 Gallon Container with tight fitting lid
A Supply of Old Newspapers for Wrapping Garbage
2-3 Spray Bottles
Feminine Hygiene Items
Now for the Good Stuff:
Are you wondering what this is?
It's a Portable Jane!
It works as a "Seperation Device."
To seperate what you might ask . . . ?
Well, you don't want to mix #1 with #2 when you are using
the toilets. Yep, you have to keep the two seperate!
(Notice the color-coded numbers?)
Mixing the two with no water could be toxic.
You can get a portable john/Jane on-line or at local stores like: Wall-Mart or Academy.

Portable John with the Jane Adapter Link
(That's one reason I decided a "Hers" Toilet might
be a good idea! The boys don't really need a seperate
seperation device . . . they're already equipted!)
*Please Make Sure YOU Read the Entire Instruction Sheet at the end of this POST.

It has soooo much important information on it!

This little project would be high on my "To Do List."
It's definately something I don't want to be without!
Happy Flushing!
 During emergencies, sanitation becomes a real problem and can be the
cause of disease.  In an emergency, hygiene is even more important!  Wash your
hands frequently!  Substitutes for cleansing without water included: Purel,
rubbing alcohol, lotions containing alcohol, shaving lotion, face creams and
lotions, towelettes, (baby wipes), a wet wash cloth.
 Toilet with a bag:  Remove the water from your toilet bowl and line it with
2 sturdy trash bags.  When ½ full remove the 1st bag, tie it securely for disposal
and store in a covered trash can until disposal service is resumed.
Sanitation Kit:  (Store in 5-6 gallon bucket)
1 5-6 Gallon Bucket with tight fitting lid Snap-on type toilet seat with lid
12 Plastic Liners (garbage bags)
4 Pairs of Rubber Gloves
2 Rolls of Toilet Paper
Liquid Chlorine Bleach, Nilogel Clean-up Gel, PInesol, Powdered Laundry Soap,
Powdered Chlorinated Lime (Available at building supply store.  It can be used
dry. Be sure to get chlorinated lime and not quick lime which is highly alkaline and
1 Bottle of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide
1 Box of Baking Soda
½ Gallon of White Vinegar
1 Large Bottle of Hand Sanitizer
1 Roll Paper Towels
1 Pkg. Baby Wipes
1 2-liter Bottle of Water
6-10 Gallon Container with tight fitting lid
A Supply of Old Newspapers for wrapping garbage
2-3 Spray Bottles
Feminine Hygiene Items
Directions for Emergency Toilet:
1. Put 2 garbage bags as a liner in the 6-gallon bucket, and snap on the toilet
2. Sprinkle one tablespoon of Nilogel (or other disinfectant) in the bucket. 
The Nilogel will absorb liquid).  The liquid becomes a gel and will deodorize
the toilet contents.  The gel is also biodegradable.  If using other
disinfectant sprinkle some disinfectant on top after each usage.
3. The toilet is ready to use.  Use toilet paper as usual.
4. Use baby wipes or hand sanitizer on hands after each use and dry hands
with paper towels.
5. Replace the tight fitting lid after each use of the toilet.  The key to disease
6. When the bag is 1/3 to ½ full, carefully remove the first bag, tie it together
and place it in the large container.  Use rubber gloves.
7. Replace liner so the bucket remains double bagged.
Disinfectant:  When using bleach use ¼ cup bleach to 1 quart water.  Other
commercial disinfectants include HTH, or calcium hypochlorite, which is available
at swimming pool supply stores; also portable toilet chemicals are available
through recreational vehicle supply stores.
Never deposit waste or garbage on open ground.  “In times of emergency, the
military procedure, is to bury human waste in trenches 24”-30” deep, and cover
with a thin layer of lime.”
Garbage should be drained and wrapped in several thicknesses of old newspaper
to absorb extra moisture, it can be stored longer before developing unpleasant 
odors.  A tight fitting lid is important to keep out flies.  Other rubbish, trash that
will not decompose may need to be burned, (with permission from local
Baking Soda:  will help to control odor; it stops mold, fungus or mildew, and is a
natural Whitener.  Baking soda relieves heartburn, indigestion and it neutralizes
acids in a sour stomach associated with diarrhea.  Use 1 teaspoon of baking soda
mixed with 1 cup of water and drink it down.  Baking soda plus a little salt will
help clean your teeth.
3% Hydrogen Peroxide: (Put in a small spray bottle, no water added)  Hydrogen
Peroxide is an antiseptic, and a cleaning agent for minor cuts and abrasions.  It
can be used as an oral rinse and gargle.  To disinfect toilet seat just spray it on and
wipe it off.
White Distilled Vinegar:  Put in a small spray bottle, no water added.  Studies
show that vinegar kills 99% of bacteria, 82% of mold, and 80% of germs (viruses). 
To disinfect toilet seat just spray it on and wipe off.
Combining Vinegar and Hydrogen Peroxide:  Spraying solutions of vinegar and
hydrogen peroxide, one after the other, in any order, kills virtually all Salmonella,
Shigella or E. Coli Bacteria on heavily contaminated surfaces.

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